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Roasted squash pumpkin cubes and Tokaji Aszú

 The wine I chose to pair with this desert is Tokaji Aszú 3 puttonyos 2006. Produced  from two varieties of grapes Furmint and Hárslevelű. This world-famous sweet wine, from around the town of Tokaj-Hegyalja in Hungary, has been so long revered that it is even mentioned in the national anthem. The term 'aszu' refers to the berries affected by 'noble rot', which serves to concentrate the sweetness in the grape on the vine, and 'puttonyos' refers to the number of baskets of super-sweet paste made from these dry berries that are added to each cask of wine.
Vivid gold colour in the glass and viscous ,  this elegant Tokaji Aszú has bright aromas of dried figs and candied peachs. On the palate there are flavors of dried grapes , who perfectly followed the taste of sweetness roasted pumpkin and cinnamon powder. Flavors of honey and dried figs doing perfect match with salted caramel sauce and bittersweet chocolate ganache . The aftertaste is smooth with attractive minerality and has just the right amount of acidity to balance the sweetness.
Tokaji Aszú :- A borok királya, a királyok bora! or Tokaji Aszú: Wine of Kings, King of Wines!


                               ROASTED SQUASH PUMPKIN CUBES WITH  
                                          CHOCOLATE  GANACHE
                                   AND SALTED CARAMEL SAUCE


-          300 grams granulated sugar
-          150 grams unsalted butter, at room
temperature, cut into pieces.
-          250 ml heavy cream, at room temperature
-          1 tablespoon flaky sea salt

-          120 grams bittersweet chocolate, chopped
-          240 grams heavy cream

-          200 grams squash pumpkin
-          cinnamon powder
-          flaky sea salt
-          black lava salt
-          50 grams unsalted butter

1. Add the sugar in an even layer over the bottom of a medium (2 to 3 quart) saucepan. Heat the sugar over medium-high heat, whisking it as it begins to melt. You’ll see that the sugar will begin to form clumps, but that’s okay. Just keep whisking and as it continues to cook, they will melt back down. Stop whisking once all of the sugar has melted, and swirl the pan occasionally while the sugar cooks.
2. Continue cooking until the sugar has reached a deep amber color. It should look almost a reddish-brown, and have a slight toasted aroma. This is the point where caramel can go from perfect to burnt in a matter of seconds, so keep a close eye. If you are using an instant-read thermometer, it will be around 380 degrees C.
3. As soon as the caramel reaches its sweet spot, add the butter all at once. Be careful, as the caramel will bubble up when the butter is added. Whisk the butter into the caramel until it is completely melted. Remove the pan from heat.
4. Slowly pour the cream into the caramel. Again, be careful because the mixture will once again bubble up ferociously.
5. Whisk until all of the cream has been incorporated and you have a smooth sauce. Add the flaky sea salt and whisk to incorporate.
6. Set the sauce aside to cool for 10 to 15 minutes and then pour into mini  glass bowls  and let cool to room temperature.
7. Place the chocolate into a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pot. When the cream has come to a boil, pour over the chopped chocolate, and whisk until smooth.
8. Allow the chocolate   ganache  to cool slightly before pouring over a caramel and let cool to room temperature.
9. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. In a small bowl, add the sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Mix together.
10. Slice. Use a chef's knife to cut the pumpkin into small cubes.
11. Coat the baking dish. Coat baking dish with cooking spray, olive oil, or butter to prevent the pumpkin from sticking. Place the pumpkin into the baking sheet.
 12. Add oil. Use a basting brush to cover the pieces with peanut oil, olive oil or butter. If you do not have a basting brush, then use a spoon to drizzle the oil onto the pumpkin, being sure to coat each piece.
13. Sprinkle seasonings. Sprinkle the pumpkin with the cinnamon and sugar. Cover the baking dish.
14. Bake. Have the pumpkin bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove the baking dish and stir the pumpkin, then bake again, uncovered, for an additional 15 minutes. Pumpkin should be soft when finished.
15. Allow to cool and then serve.
16. Put mini glass bowls of chocolate caramel on a large plate, then add roasted pumpkin. Sprinkle small pumpkin cubes with the cinnamon, flaky sea salt and black lava salt. Also put a pinch of flaky sea salt on chocolate caramel.



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